infsoft – About Us

Contact Persons

CEO Tobias Donaubauer

Tobias Donaubauer

infsoft CEO Ramona Kraus

Ramona Kraus

COO Thomas Winkler

Thomas Winkler


infsoft, based near Ingolstadt, Germany, has been offering comprehensive platform solutions for large enterprises since 2005. The main focus is on the location of people and assets, utilization analyses of areas and equipment, room sensor evaluations, and the deployment of workplace experience systems. E-labeling components for mobile assets and situational room signage complete the portfolio.

smart connected locations: At the heart of the full-service portfolio is the infsoft LocAware platform® as a central cloud IoT hub. Within the platform, extensive web applications are available for data management and visualization. infsoft LocAware offers a bi-directional connection to third-party systems via numerous interfaces to bundle internal and external data streams.

Long-standing customers include F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Roche Diagnostics, Siemens, Siemens Healthineers, Frankfurt Airport, and the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB).

Certified quality management according to

Our quality management includes all organizational measures that serve to improve process quality, our services, and our products. The ISO 9001:2015 standard ensures that we consistently provide services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.

Certified information security management system according to ISO/IEC 27001

infsoft’s Information Security Management is ISO/IEC 27001 certified. The norm includes standards for implementing appropriate security methods, as well as requirements for assessing and managing information security threats.

ISO Zertifizierung 9001 27001

Company History


Ramona Kraus takes over management from Rudolf Donaubauer. The infsoft Locator Node PoE replaces the previous infsoft Locator Node 1400. The new version offers all the functions of the previous model in a more compact and inconspicuous design. This further reduces hardware prices, packaging dimensions, and delivery costs. Certification of infsoft’s information security management in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001. Introduction of the infsoft Community Hub in LocAware as an online exchange platform for users. Organization of the 1st infsoft Community Day at the customer Roche Diagnostics to further network customers and users of infsoft solutions.


The infsoft AI Occupancy Sensor and Locator Node Dongle have been launched. The infsoft Locator Node Dongle is a more compact version of the infsoft Locator Node 1400. By combining PIR and optical sensors, infsoft AI Occupancy Sensors use artificial intelligence to enable intelligent person and object recognition. Comprehensive functional extension of the infsoft Workplace Experience App.


Further development of infsoft Locator Beacons with combined BLE/UWB positioning. Introduction of infsoft AI Occupancy Sensors for occupancy analysis. Cisco Access Points now support all gateway features of infsoft Locator Nodes via infsoft Docker Image.


Extension of infsoft Locator Beacons: infsoft Locator Beacon Road Stud and infsoft Locator Beacon Smart Plug (repeater function and energy consumption monitoring).


Introduction of infsoft Locator Beacons for indoor navigation, time-delayed tracking of BLE asset tags and a reduction in hardware effort and cost. Functional and visual redesign of the infsoft LocAware platform®. Launch of infsoft Locator Node 1400, a BLE and WLAN receiver hardware with Bluetooth 5 and BLE gateway function. Move into the new office building at Junkers-Ring.


Introduction of infsoft E-Ink Display Beacons for flexible transfer of content as well as asset visualization and tracking. Official certification to EN ISO 9001:2015. 


Further development of infsoft Locator Nodes. Introduction of infsoft Locator Node AoA with Angle of Arrival measurement. Integration of condition sensors (infrared, ultrasound, temperature, humidity, CO2, air pressure, etc.) to enable monitoring of processes and systems.


Release of the infsoft LocAware platform®. In addition, ultra-wideband short-range radio technology is applied for the first time for precise indoor positioning in industrial environments. infsoft receives the label “Innovativ durch Forschung” (“Innovative through research”) from the German Stifterverband.


10th anniversary. „Best Use Case 2015“ winner of InLocation Alliance for Vodafone “Campus Düsseldorf”.


Software Development Kits for integration into third party applications. Start of the application of iBeacons. Functional extensions become possible through in-house development of infsoft Locator Nodes (analysis and server-based localization of all devices possible, no app required).


Linking the solutions in the backend under the working title “Smart Connected Locations”. The goal: a platform for connecting dynamic data from different sources.


Winner of the innovation contest “365 Orte im Land der Ideen“.


Winner of WECONOMY start-up contest.


First solutions for PDAs. Wi-Fi-based localization.


Foundation of infsoft GmbH in Großmehring near Ingolstadt by Tobias Donaubauer. Terminal solutions for visitors and patients of the University Hospital Würzburg for better orientation.

Any questions or ready to get started? Get in touch with us!

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