Use cases filtered by sector: logistics
Load Carrier Tracking in Logistics
The tracking of load carriers can contribute to increasing the efficiency of logistics chains and enhancing the transparency of transport processes.
Cargo Tracking at a Container Port
At container terminals, dwell time can be reduced and productivity can be increased by introducing a container tracking system.
Tracking of Goods in Logistics
Using a tailored tracking solution, companies can maximize warehouse operations, finding ways to improve order picking accuracy and efficiency.
Utilization Analysis of Work Devices
In industrial environments, a geobased logic engine makes a decisive contribution to ensuring efficient operating processes.
Pallet Tracking in Logistics
By implementing a localization system in logistics, goods in large warehouses can be found fast and reliably.
Process Optimization in Transport Logistics in the Automotive Industry
A tracking system provides real-time location information about vehicles in delivery and helps to improve the delivery process.