Use cases filtered by sector: logistics
Container Management in Automotive Production
A tracking solution in the automotive industry maps container movements in a fully automated process and guarantees an optimized and efficient material supply.
Indoor Tracking with Display Beacons in Logistics
In large production halls, the use of a tracking system with E-Ink displays can ensure a smooth process for the assembly workstations.
Indoor Tracking of Tool Boxes in the Hangar
Efficient solutions for maintenance work can significantly reduce downtimes at hangars.
Indoor Navigation and LED Identification of Goods in Logistics
In large warehouses, indoor navigation and tracking solutions can make picking processes more efficient.
Indoor Navigation and Tracking of Tugger Trains
Processes for storing goods in a large hall can be optimised with the aid of indoor navigation and asset tracking.
Positioning of Tractors
By using a tracking system, any truck can be located in real-time on the premises of a tractor manufacturer.