First Responder Location in an Emergency

People tracking during medical emergencies on a company site ensures on-time treatment of injured or distressed individuals.


  • positioning in medical emergencies
  • location overview in digital map
  • personalized or anonymized display of the first aider
Infrastructure Hardware
Tag Hardware

infsoft Locator Beacon

featured image smart BLE wristband

Bluetooth Low Energy Tag


There are hundreds of employees and visitors daily on enterprise premises, which tend to be large and unclear. In a medical emergency, reaching or contacting the nearest first aider can be challenging. First aid time can be shortened as first responders can be located and contacted in an emergency.


infsoft Tracking dashboard and First Aider list in infsoft Workplace Experience App
infsoft Tracking dashboard and First Aider list in infsoft Workplace Experience App

Each company’s trained first responders are equipped with a BLE tag. Using the infsoft People Tracking product solution, first responders are located and displayed on a map. In a medical emergency, employees can easily and quickly locate and contact the first responders present via the Workplace Experience app. In addition to the visualization in the map, a list view with the distance of the first responders to the user’s location is also available.


3D infographic: First responder location in an emergency
3D infographic: First responder location in an emergency

Infsoft Locator Nodes and infsoft Locator Beacons will be installed throughout the site. The Locator Beacons receive the Bluetooth signals from the BLE tags at intervals (e.g., every 5 minutes) and transfer them to a gateway (infsoft Locator Nodes or Cisco Access Point with infsoft Docker image). From there, the data is forwarded to the infsoft LocAware platform®. Real-time localization is also possible with infsoft People Tracking.

Visibility into the locations of first responders is provided through the web-based software infsoft Tracking. Using the Workplace Experience app, the nearest first responder can be located via list view and contacted if necessary. The app also offers a digital map with wayfinding instructions and can integrate push notifications for first aiders if desired.

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